We are periodically in need of a few Volunteers for special events, such as our “Regional IBC” competition (International Blues Challenge), during an occasional Appreciation Party, a Fundraiser or during a Membership Recruiting Event, (e.g. Bonita Blues Festival).
Supporting your SWFBS is a good way to meet other members and other blues fans from around the world. Simply fill out the Call Back Form to be added to our Volunteer call back list, (we won’t share your information). The form will provide a way for us to contact you during the next event to see if you’re available. If you have specific interests or would like to become a board member or a committee member just use the comments section of the form below to provide us with some additional information.

Contact Form:
We are a Federally recognized 501c3 Non-profit corporation which means your donations are likely tax-deductible.
If you would like to support the SWFBS through Membership or Donation, you can do that in a few different ways.